The Dravid lookalike

Read an article that appeared in the Business Standard. The article attracted my attention as it had the photo I had seen recently. Someone on IP Msngr (The internal communication tool of the institute) had spammed his photo asking his name. The person looked like Rahul Dravid's relative.
The article was from Aswath Damodaran, a guru on evaluation of stocks and portfolio management, a prof at the Stern School of Management, NYC. The article was about the markets. The interviewer seemed to be lacking insight into the work of Damodaran, as he kept on asking the questions which i guess he would have surely answered in his book, like in what ways would you arrive at valuing a loss making company. Damodaran seems a cool guy, taking questions and answering them with the ease of a master, has the manner of a person who knows something about the stuff he is talking about, an insight which others seem to lack. An awesome feeling when you know something which is still a secret to the public in general. Take this from his webpage:

"I am lucky enough to be in a field where a little knowledge and a dose of common sense goes a long way, and achieving guru status seems relatively simple. What I do know is neither profound nor earth shattering, but I would like to share it on this site."

The man seems to ooze confidence, but with the quite smile of the sphinx, like he knows something we don't.


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  • The Magic of Being Your Natural Self - *This is a rant of an idealist, set in a very specific B-School Context in India.* With the placements season going on in business schools, the general a...
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  • Alive - Scene 1 *-----------------* *Alex:* I need to feel inspired. *Issac:* Well I was about to say hi. But seems like you're in no mood to waste time in pleasan...
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