A leaf ...
A leaf broke from the tree. It floated for sometime in the air, close to the tree. The breeze slowly took it away from the cool shade of the tree to the perils of the world that lied outside the tree. The leaf had known many friends. While on the tree she had met many other leaves just like her. They thought the same thoughts, dreamt the same dreams, and when they spoke to each other it was like talking to the soul, like when you sit all by yourself and ruminate all absorbed in your thoughts, though they were many but they were the same, realized the leaf. True friends they were. But time is not always the same. It changes. With it changed the leaves as well. They grew older by the day. The beautiful moments spent with them while young were treasures she would cherish for life and those impressions etched into the leaf's memory were etched forever. Perhaps these will come in handy when my days become bleary and life does not offer me the same gifts that it has always bestowed upon me, spoiling me, thought the leaf. The other leaves had asked her to stay for a while longer, so that they can talk a bit more and revive the memories of those old times. But she left during the night when the sheet of slumber covered the others. The tree had always guarded her against the hard sun, gave her the life sap that sustained her. She knew that once separated she would not live long. She might also not travel too far, it was too dangerous and unpredictable. But she left nonetheless. The charm of seeing things unknown appealed to her more than the safety and security of the tree and the friendship, that made her stay on the tree worthwhile...
To be continued.
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